Christina’s Story


"You always knew when you had
been hugged by Christina."


Cancer never stopped Christina.  It may have slowed her down at the end, but she never stopped hugging everyone and reassuring those she loved that it would be okay, and that God had a plan.  After a fierce 5 month long battle, Christina succumbed to the disease on February 1, 2017.  As she and Matthew said those last few days, cancer may have won this battle but it had not, nor would it ever, win the war. Christina’s life was a continued celebration of her children, her family, and all the people around her that were so blessed by her hugs. She doted over her two children John and Donna, and still always found the time to show the ultimate in empathy for those around her.   She transitioned from this world surrounded by Matthew, John, Donna, her family and friends, giving comfort to those around her until she could no longer, just as she had done throughout her life, and as she continues to do from her place with God today.


Christina dealt with uterine fibroid's her whole adult life, but never gave into them; despite early dire prognoses from several surgeons, Christina found our heroes at Northwestern Memorial that helped her give birth to two beautiful children.  Years later, when the fibroid's returned, a hysterectomy was an easy choice to help return her to a healthy and normal life.  In a simple post-operative biopsy that a totally unexpected discovery was made: Christina had LEIOMYOSARCOMA, and the outlook was not positive.  She stayed strong and fought hard, but unfortunately we lost her in a matter of months.

​We all treasure the blessed 50 years and 134 fantastic days that Christina was here with us, just like the world was fortunate to have her mother for 50 years and 140 days.   We are now blessed to have both of them watching over us and in our hearts, BUT we are resolute to make a difference.  Just as Christina was a huge supporter of breast cancer in her mother’s memory and she took such joy in seeing the advances made against that disease, we now wish to do the same, as Christina would want us to do, but this time to honor the hugger and hopefully make a difference in the lives of those who suffer from cancer of the reproductive organs.
Just as Christina was a huge supporter of breast cancer in her mother’s memory and she took such joy in seeing the advances made against that disease, we now wish to do the same, as Christina would want us to do, but this time to honor the hugger and hopefully make a difference in the lives of those who suffer from cancer of the reproductive organs.


Christina dealt with uterine fibroid’s her whole adult life, but never gave into them; years later, when the fibroid’s returned, a hysterectomy was an easy choice to help return her to a healthy and normal life. In a simple post-operative biopsy, a totally unexpected discovery was made: Christina had Leiomyosarcoma, and the outlook was not positive. She stayed strong and fought hard, but unfortunately we lost her in a matter of months. Cancer never stopped Christina. It may have slowed her down at the end, but she never stopped hugging everyone and reassuring those she loved that it would be okay and that God had a plan. After a fierce battle of less than 5 months, Christina succumbed to the disease on February 1, 2017. Cancer may have won this battle but it had not, nor would it ever, win the war.

Until we win Christina…..